Microchipping for dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets. Prices start from £10 a pet and I give owners choice as to which registration database they would like to use.
the microchipping of dogs is a legal requirement.

Since 6 April 1016, all dogs in England, Wales and Scotland are required to be microchipped by law. Breeders are required to get puppies microchipped by 8 weeks and prior to being sold.
Dogs must be registered with their microchip number and owner details on one of the databases that meets government standards and owners are responsible for keeping the information up to date.
Failure to comply with microchipping laws could result in a £500 fine.
The government has announced that microchipping is set to become a legal requirement for cats.
Dogs must be registered with their microchip number and owner details on one of the databases that meets government standards and owners are responsible for keeping the information up to date.
Failure to comply with microchipping laws could result in a £500 fine.
The government has announced that microchipping is set to become a legal requirement for cats.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) estimates that as many as 2.8 million cats in the UK are unchipped, meaning that it would be difficult to reunite them with their owner if they get lost or stolen. Under the new plans, all keepers in England must ensure their cat is microchipped before they reach the age of 20 weeks and their contact details are stored and kept up to date in a pet microchipping database linked to the microchip. Owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to have one implanted, or may face a fine of up to £500.
peace of mind
Microchipping gives you the best chance of reunification should your pet becomes lost or stolen.
- Microchipping is the most effective way of identifying a lost pet.
- Each microchip has a unique number, which is stored on a national database. A scan of the chip reveals the owner's name and address from the database's records
- A microchip is slightly smaller than a grain of rice and is inserted under the pet's skin between the shoulder blades
- The procedure is very simple and is no more painful than an injection. Your pet will not be aware of the microchip's presence once inserted.
Price Guide
The price varies depending on the exact microchip used and the database to which is is registered. Travel fees may also be incurred.
Microchip a single pet - £20 - any available database.
Microchip 2+ pets with WE TRACE PETS - £10 per pet
Microchip 2+ pets with PETRAC - £15 per pet
See below for more information:
Microchip a single pet - £20 - any available database.
Microchip 2+ pets with WE TRACE PETS - £10 per pet
Microchip 2+ pets with PETRAC - £15 per pet
See below for more information:

Microchips registered to PETRAC - £15 per pet - this includes registration to the database and free transfer of puppies to their new owners.
- The UK PETtrac Database service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help reunite lost pets.
- Freephone telephone numbers
- Instant MicroChip Registration via website and practice software and now mobile apps!
- Groundbreaking SMS pet MicroChip reunification service, TEXTtrac, sending details back to a registered handset in 15 seconds!

Microchip insertion with WE TRACE PETS chips - £10 per pet.
Registration to the database is completed by the registered keeper or new puppy owner at a cost of £20+vat which gives lifetime registration. We Trace Pets accounts can be serviced by the customer either online or by telephone. This company is ideal for any individual or breeder who doesn't like using the internet or does not have internet access as well as those who do!
Breeders are given a card to hand to puppy buyers which provides all the required information. The process is compliant with microchipping laws as I will attach the breeder as first owner online but the breeder doesn't need to create online accounts if they do not want to.